Theresia Dunzendorfer-Matt        


Current Teaching (Medical University of Innsbruck)

Modul 1.06: Bausteine des Lebens II; Biochemie I

Modul MM 3.3: Strukturbiologie

Modul MM 5.2: Molekulare Medizin II

Modul MM 5.2: Labside-teaching – please contact me if interested

Master student

Sebastian Führer, MSc., Graduation (Master in Chemistry) 16.11.2016, GÖCH prize awarded (2017)

 Sebastian GÖCH Prize awardee - Congratulations!

Diploma student

Dipl.Päd. Dr. Marianna Biadene, Graduation (Diploma in Teaching) 13.02.2017

Teaching experience

Management Center Innsbruck, MCI (2011/12)

Biochemie und Lebensmittelchemie

University of Innsbruck (1998 – 2011)

Biochemische Methoden

Biochemisches Praktikum für Fortgeschrittene

Biochemisches Grundpraktikum

Forschungsnahe Projektstudie