12th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, Zurich, June 18-22, 2017
ICBEN is the International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise. The non-profit organization organizes review conferences on main topics of potential health effects of noise every 3 years.
Main conference topics
- Subject area 1 – Noise-induced hearing loss
- Subject area 2 – Noise and communication
- Subject area 3 – Non-auditory health effects of noise
- Subject area 4 - Effects of noise on cognition, performance and behavior
- Subject area 5 – Effects of noise on sleep
- Subject area 6 - Community response to noise and noise annoyance
- Subject area 7 - Noise policy and economics
- Subject area 8 - Noise exposure assessment in health effect studies
- Subject area 9 - Special topics related to noise effects
- Subject area 10 - Low frequency noise and vibration
- A special event will be the presentation of the WHO Guidelines session where also a short overview will be provided about the WHO-Evidence reviews on various health topics: chaired by Dorota Jarosinska and Peter Lercher
- Together with Jean Marc Wunderli, I'll chair a special session on "Noise exposure assessment in health effect studies"
Use the link below and navigate via "Program" to "Detailed program" and click on "CONFERENCE SCHEDULE"
Internoise 2017, will be held in Hong Kong, China, between 27 and 30 August 2017
Internoise is the largest and broadest conference on sound and noise issues and covers also a few health effects sessions.
Use the link below and navigate via "Programme" to "Technical programme" to see the various sessions (including the organizer)